To Them These Streets Belong
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:23 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Siren Song of the Counter Culture
Song Author
Tim McIlrath
File Size
62 KB
So look in my eyes, what will you leave be-hind once you've gone?
you got what you came for now I think it's time to move o-on
but these gho-osts come a-live like wa-ter and wine
walk through these streets sing-ing songs and car-ry-ing signs,
to them these streets be-lo-ong
And my a-tone-ment lasts the best part of e-tern-i-ty
ran out of hands to count the sin that breeds in-side of me
not this ha-ate but the lone-li-i-ness has left me he-ere in-to this mess of
My hands are soak-ing in the blood of a-an-ge-els
on bro-ken wings, they col-lapse
dark clouds ex-plod-ed and tor-rents of ra-ain fell
all these lost ha-los wash a-wa-ay
Head hung from shame we bear a weight that brings me to a crawl
these years of long-ing tell of de-cades of un-an-swered calls
for a cha-ange, cause eve-ry-day we slip and fall
kicked while were down, our fists clenched in-to a ball
My hands are soak-ing in the blood of a-an-ge-els
on bro-ken wings, they col-lapse
dark clouds ex-plod-ed and tor-rents of ra-ain fell
all these lost ha-los wash a-wa-ay
So look in my eyes, what will you leave be-hind once you've gone?
you got what you came for now I think it's time to move o-on
but these gho-osts come a-live like wa-ter and wine
walk through these streets sing-ing songs and car-ry-ing signs,
to them these streets be-lo-ong
So look in my eyes, what will you leave be-hind once you've gone?
you got what you came for now I think it's time to move o-on
but these gho-osts come a-live like wa-ter and wine
walk through these streets sing-ing songs and car-ry-ing signs,
to them these streets be-lo-ong